Maria lives in a very simple house in the small Mayan village of Leona Vicario. My friend Melissa and I first met her when we hired a tour guide, Oscar, to give us a ride around town on his motorized bicycle. (Think of an umbrella covered vehicle that is two seats wide on the front with half a motor cycle attached to the back)

Meet Oscar.

oscar taxi driver sm

Oscar took us everywhere. To the village cenote, to the wood carver’s house, to the graveyard, and to his mother-in-law’s house.

maya house with orbs sm

We got to meet his nieces, Yazmin, Melanie, and Josebel

maya girls tickling

and we were pleased to meet his lovely mother-in-law, Maria.

maya lady hammoks and dress sm

It feels like such a privilege to be welcomed into the home of a Mayan family. They are simple, warm people with a wonderful gift of hospitality. Kids play in the yard and build tree houses. Leafy branches laden with wild fruit hang overhead. Chickens hunt for little bugs in the dirt and the family parrot hides from the cats who are stalking tiny lizards among the limestones.

Laughter is everywhere.

Several times we returned to Maria’s house. Once to bring her a copy of a photo we had taken of her, and another time to witness the picking of the giant jack fruit that hung heavy in the tree.

jackfruittree adjust

Eventually we returned upon Maria’s invitation to come learn how to make a special Mayan dish called siikli p’ak.

What a treat! To be invited into the kitchen to learn first-hand how to cook with ground pumpkin seeds, cilantro, habaneros, and fresh tomatoes, to practice patting out tortillas, and to sample that lovely jack fruit we had witnessed the picking of a few days earlier!

You just have to check out the video.

Of course Maria had no idea we came bearing gifts. You should have seen the expression on her face when we pulled out a couple bags of clothing for her and her daughter and a brand new school back pack stuffed with toys for the kids.

There is a reason they say it is more blessed to give than to receive.

My joy was full.

maya kids toys crop

humbly happy,


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